The Big Top Crew © 2022

Main Cast

MayB the Human-Completly androgynous and will use any pronoun
-Young Adult/Adult Range
-Ethinic Background/Features is up to interpretation

Satire the Satyr
(Marco Akerbeltz)
-Venezuelan Mixed Greek Nationality
-Professional Performer

Charade the Six-Earred Macaque
-Chinese and Filipino Nationality
-Professional Performer
-Part Time Crook

Joseph Leeds the Jersey Devil-He/Him
-American Nationality (New Jersey)
-Middle Aged Adult
-Professional Ringmaster & Beast Tamer
-Business Owner
-Loves Cuban Cigars

Zvezda the Siberian WereTiger-She/Her
-Russian Nationality
-Professional Strongman and Professional White Tiger
-Loves Meat

Napowsa the Black Bear Spirit-She/Her
-Native American Nationality
(Potawatomi - Mikwa dodem)

-Professional Cook and Medicinal Healer
-Loves Honey and Salmon

Tsumugi the Jorōgumo-She/Her
-Japanese Nationality
-Middle Aged Adult
-Helps with the safety nets and circus outfits
-Knows how to play the Shamisen

Kaito the Kappa-He/Him
-Japanese Nationality
-Yound Adult
-Runs the dunk tank
-Makes a mean cucumber sake

Bugsy the Moth Man*-He/Him
-American Nationality (West Virginia)
-Age Unclear
-Mute/Incapable of human speech and can only chirp/click. However he does know sign language.
-Helps with the lights
-Hands out glow sticks during light show events.

The Big Top Crew © 2022

The Big Top Crew © 2022

The Big Top Crew © 2022

The Big Top Crew © 2022